Nathalie and Mathilde in 1979
Mathilde Laurion, my dearest Aunt, who gave me the Genealogy viruse and without her this website does not exist.
Gilles Lorillon, my "heart" cousin, who gave me the idea of international genealogy researchs.
Marie Laurion through her marriage to Stéphane became passionate about family genealogy. She contacted the Lorions - Laurions of Canada and the United States.
Stéphane & Marie in 1987
Vaux-le-Vicomte, France in 2005
Antonio Di Lalla was put in contact with Marie through his little cousin Adrien Lorion. As passionate as Nathalie and Marie, he shared his research for the maternal branch, descendant of Louis Lorion.
Robert Dion for his energy about copies of repertoires Drouin, Loiselle & others for Canadian genealogy.
A BIG thank's to all genealogists and non-genealogists who participated in updating ours databases.