Remember you !!

Ancestor's History of Marilou Gougeon told in 1991
by her grandma.

By Yolande Laurion-Lalonde

I decided, as pastime, to raise the genealogy of your family and to count your ancestors. It is not easy, to find twelve generations in three hundred sixty years of histories.

I so began this long work because I love you and I want to leave you a durable memory which you will be able to carry on in your way.

"Rappelle-toi" is a scrap of History of Quebec. Your ancestors, French and Canadian pioneers have since 1635 contributed to the development of your province in painful conditions sometimes. They left you a grand inheritance. To you now to continue and to take advantage of this beautiful country, to interest you as them, made him, for his evolution.

If we go back up to 1642's, we notice that Quebec was lived only along St-Laurent. The biggest posts were Quebec, Trois-Rivières and Montreal. But small colonies developed quickly between these big centres. The families settled down there and remained there regrouped.

The Gougeon and the Laurion come especially of Repentigny, Joliette and neighborhood. The Desmarais of Varennes and the Lalonde of Lachine and Ste Anne de Bellevue.

By this display of families from an edge to other one of the river, you become a fortunate descendant of resources so many different grandfathers. It is necessary to understand that the colonists of time did not a lot travel. They got married among them and the grandfather of the village was often the ancestor of all conglomeration.

All the names, the dates and the places appearing on the genealogical tables are pulled by found marriage contracts. There are some dates of birth but we find them somewhere else in specific descriptions.

If you observe dates, you will see that there is a generation between every name. This generation is ascending. It can there have more or less of generations by family. It depends on the age in the marriages of the couple and also the arrival in Canada of each of your ancestors.

The spelling of names seems sometimes bizarre but it is so we find them on registers. The priests and the notaries of time did not seem more educated that the poor colonists who they did not even know how to sign.

You will find also the names of the children of the biggest families, some ancient documents, sketches, photos and anecdotes.

When word "The End" appears following a family tree, this means that all the ancestry was found. It would be necessary to go to France and to cross her in complete sound to redraw our French ancestors.

There are some foreigners as Germans, English and Italian to redraw in date. As far as the Indians, you will notice yourself that certain names were taken from French language

Ex. ( Chardavouenne)

My searches will just beginning and I hope well to discover all these enigma.

Widowhood was badly accepted by our ancestors. They remarried fast and began again a second family. The direct grandmother, the true is in the family tree.

In some occasions, the name of the other wives is registered. It was not necessary but I wanted to remind you that you have so many half-uncles, half-aunts, cousins and cousins.

Several companies elaborated Quebecois genealogy. Sometimes they contradict themselves. Let us hope that they and I shall not have made too many errors.

If you have some difficulty, I am there to help you. I shall make for you visit the premises of the Société de généalogie de Joliette to help you to understand the structure of this muddle of names, all more or less funny. I shall also like waking your curiosity on the activity of this society of which I am a part.

By ending, I shall like thanking the members which helped and educated me in this search. I would also like to give evidence of my gratitude between my cousin Adrienne Marleau-Cusiac who sent me several documents.

I have some little regret to offered you this present. It's as if I told you a last history. A very long history which goes back up far behind. You always loved that I tell you how it was in the good old time.

Your wish is accomplished because this history is one of life and death, it is a cheerful and sad story, it is a true tale. It is not any more "the soup of buttons" or the fragments of histories that I invented. You remember youself of the farmer who had fallen in the ditch? From weeks to weeks, I never could remember myself if it was the cock or the small pig who had made knock over the grandpa. Yourself, you knew and you required that I remember. Irascible and everything in tears you said to me:


Marilou, remember youself of them, your ancestors, who by their courage and their tenacity built your country. By exchanging their faiths and their convictions, these men and these women, of flesh and blood, built a powerful people. Their love of the earth was a fight constantly. They lived in a hard, cruel and often contemptuous universe, fighting against time. Their brief adventures brought an always more intense happiness in 350 years of generation.

Remind youself that every these deaths sleep in a contemptuous neglect. It is by the effort and the courage that they surmounted obstacles. Imitate them and make of this past one eternal present. Remind youself that what looks like most in yesterday it is today and will be so tomorrow. Then you will discover to your turn, the enjoyments of the existence.


I noticed that your ancestors towards the family Laurion arrived earlier at Canada than those of the family Lalonde. As far as Acadiens, I do not believe to be able to finish the families which stayed in white. I do not find any more anything in the books of Acadie on their subject. It adorned that the English would have destroyed registers when they set on fire the church of Port Royal as well as the villages of time.

We can say that the big family Lorion was in a sense the founder of Montreal. The lands of the ancestors were situated there where is today the Rue St-Jacques near the Place d'Armes.

We does not find so many soldiers in the family Lorion as in the family Lalonde. It's the same for the "Filles du Roi". About the filles du Roi, Gustave Lanctôt, on 1952, writer, call them "filles de joie" while Sylvio Dumas, on 1972, in his Historic Studies and Emigration from 1663 till 1673 says the opposite. He takes as proof papers saying that several girls took advantage of gifts of the King to come to find again their families.

An example: The sister and the nieces of Marguerite Bourgeois and many others.

Marie Bourgeois was the sister of Catherine and Marguerite Bourgeois, first religious teacher in Canada and founder of the Congregation Notre Dame. Her daughter Marguerite made religious and arrived with her 2 aunts in Canada in 1672. She died in the fire of the house of the congregation in Montreal in 1683.

Sylvio Dumas counted 774 filles du Roi registered in due form. They were quite French except three.

The governor gave to the soldiers who wished to stay: a ox, a cow, a pig, a sow, a hen, two barrels of salty flesh and eleven ecus (money). The Filles du Roi were presented with hundred fifty pounds or a house and foods for 8 months. He encouraged premature marriages, the boys below 20 years and the girls below 16 years received 20 pounds. He gave also 300 pounds to the fathers who had 10 children and 400 to those that had 12 children.

In 1628, there were 400 persons settled in Canada. In the census of 1663, there were more than 2000 inhabitants. The Dutch would have armed Iroquois from 1639.

Premature marriages

Before 1663, there were not many women in Canada. The men reserved so the girls in very low age to have the certainty that one day they could start a home and family. They crossed a marriage certificate at the notary without however taking ownership of the child. Even men very often crossed three or four contracts. I noticed it in the family Lalonde. Jean cancelled four marriages. Towards the age of 12 years or in the maturity of the girl, the pretenders had to respect their contract, otherwise marriage was cancelled. If the little girl was not 12 years old, the husband had to live at the parents of the wife. There was an exemption to be paid to the church. With the arrival of the "Filles du Roi", a lot of marriage were so cancelled. These girls were "ready"!


In the index of Laurion, I get up:

  •    30 filles du Roi
  •    2 natural children
  •    2 persons killed of Iroquois
  •    2 persons prisoners of Iroquois

All ancestors Laurion are French origin except:

  •    2 english
  •    2 portuguese
  •    20 unknown origin

Beautiful and big family Lalonde
All and each due to professions contributed to the development of Nouvelle France and Québec. Soldiers, plougmen, traders, travelers, notaries, carpenters, guaranteed the future of the country. Even in this time, we notice that the cod-fishing was commercialized.

In the index of Lalonde, I get up:

  •    30 filles du Roi
  •    1 saulnier
  •    1 natural child
  •    7 killed of Iroquois
  •    7 prisoners of Iroquois

All ancestor Lalonde are also French origin except:

  •    7 Irishwomen
  •    1 english
  •    1 german
  •    1 american
  •    10 unknowns

Famille Laurion

Louise Laurion Married Michel Gougeon Joliette 14.04.1973
Roger Laurion Married Yolande Lalonde Verdun 14.07.1951​​​​​​​
Noé Laurion Married Aline Lachapelle Joliette 18.10.1922
Olivier Lorion Married Caroline Gour Joliette 12.05.1888
Narcisse Lorion Married Adéle Roy St-Thomas 15.02.1841
Antoine Loriot Married Claire Rolland Repentigny 22.10.1790
Pierre Loriau Married Marie-Madeleine Blay Pointe aux Trembles 25.04.1740
Jean Lorion Married Marie-Anne Letellier Varennes 26.01.1697
Mathurin Lorion Married Jeanne Bizet St Georges des Bois La Rochelle 1650

History of Mathurin

Mathurin Lorion, your ancestor, was baptized to Ste Soulle diocese of La Rochelle, Aunis in 1604.

He was a ploughman. He arrived in Nouvelle France at about 1650, and afterward his family came.

There are several variations in the spelling of the name Laurion: Lorion, Lorillon, Larion, Lauriot, Lauriault, Loryot. Often noticed confusion because there is a family of Loriot in Quebec, very different. It is about descendants of Jean Loriot, married to Agathe Merlin-Merlan of Cognac, Limoges, arrived by 1665.

Mathurin Lorion was live on the rue Ste-Claire to Dompierre then to Notre Dame de La Rochelle. He is the ancestor of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and d'Albani. He died in the hospital of Montreal in 1683.

By making statement children of Mathurin, I was fascinated with the wedding number of Laurion. I decided so to register for each of the descendants the name of the found spouses, other than the direct grandfather of your lineage.

Names of the spouses Dates Number of children


Françoise Morinet 1635 4
Jeanne Barbier 1643 0
Jeanne Bizet 1650 7

Children of Mathurin and his spouses


Pierre Vilain 1654 0
Jean Simon 1
Nicholas Millet 8
Pierre Desautels 2

The more I get ahead in this work, more Catherine Lorion fascinates me. She arrived at Quebec before her father Mathurin.
By these 4 marriages, she takes a big part in the populating of Quebec. As you can observe it, you more often find Catherine Lorion as grandmother than her father Mathurin. In date, you notice that she is the ancestor in 2 very different families, like Lapointe and Piché.


Pierre Piron 0


Jean Delpé 8
Jean Le Tellier 5
Jean Tiffroy 0


Etienne Lert 10


Marie-Anne Letellier 12

Les petits-enfants de Mathurin

Mathurin had more than eleven children. The elder daughters of France got married certainly but I can not know how much they had of children. I am sure that he has had just a son, who call Jean. The others are also dead very young.

The 5 children of Mathurin come from France and married here gave him forty six little children.

Two of the wives of Mathurin are your grandmothers: Françoise Morinet and Jeanne Bizet. Only

Jeanne Bizet came in Nouvelle France.

Three husbands of Catherine are your ancestors: Jean Simon, Nicholas Millet and Pierre Desautels.
It is Jean, his only son, who perpetuated the name of Laurion-Lorion in Canada and the United States.

Mathurin was a ploughman. He arrived at Quebec then settled down in Montreal where got married all his children. He had as neighbours: Urbain Tessier, Jacques Archambault, Michel Brouillet, Marin Janot Lachapelle and Simon Galbrun.

Coincidence maybe not as strange as it can appear, because then, the families moved in group by going away from the river to base the other parishes. Of Montreal, the descendants lived In Repentigny, l'Assomption, St Paul de Joliette.

Simon Galbrun arrived at Montreal in 1653, He is turned out dead in the municipality. His wife, Françoise Duverger will be accused to have collaborated in his murder and as a consequence hanged.

As regards Urbain Tessier, he arrived in Nouvelle France before the arrival of the soldiers of Carignan. He gets married towards the age of twenty years while his wife is only 12 years and seven months old. It did not spoil Anne Archambault's health, his wife, because she died in 83 years having given birth to 16 children.

Paul Tessier, his son had as godfather Mr. de Maisonneuve and as godmother Jeanne Mance.

In the archives of Prévauté of Montreal, we can read :

Urbain Tessier against Catherine Lorion

Lawsuit for damages caused with the cattle, the damages in the fields of wheat

We does not know who won...

Jacques Archambault was the father-in-law of Urbain Tessier. He would have been the first well maker of Montreal. When we proceeded in 1929 to excavations necessary for the implementation of one radiate to receive the building Aldred, Place d'Armes, we found the hole which the ancestor dug in 1658 at the request of the Mr. Maisonneuve.

In the judicial documents preserved in the archives of Montreal, we find incidents relative to the surgeon Bouchard. On October 29, 1661, it is said that the wife of Marin Janot dit Lachapelle had committed excesses on the person of Etienne Bouchard on the public highway.

Etienne Bouchard also noticed the death of Simon Galbrun.

Lachapelle's name comes simply of the native place of Marin. He arrived in 1653 with the Recrue. He was sailor in the army and drowned himself the 25.7.1664. The body was found in Throis Rivières and inhumed in this place.

His son Pierre married Pétronille Tessier, the girl of Urbain Tessier. Pierre neglect his earth to travel as far as Fort Pontchartain or Michigan. The notary of time wrote: " Pierre leaves his only 15 year old young wife. He left for Illinois with his employee Louis Brousseau. Urbain Tessier would indeed like to give leave to this intruder. It is he who provides in the good of the family ".

The wife of Michel Brouillet, Marie Dubois, comes from Fort Louis who call now Lachine.

First Laurion was all farmers. I do not find big thing on their subject with the exception of Catherine and of Renée.

Jeanne Bizet died in Pointe aux Trembles where she was interred in 1698. She was the girl of André Bizet and Françoise Merlet French People.

The grandchildren of Mathurin

Children of Catherine and Jean Simon :

Léonard Married Mathurine Beaujean

Children of Catherine and Nicholas Millet :

Nicholas Married Catherine Chaperon
Marie-Charlotte Married Jean Lacombe
Pierre 1665-66
Jacques Married Elisabeth Hubert
Anonyme 1670
Jean Married Marie Lamoureux

Children of Renée and Jean Delpé :

Jeanne Married Jean Quintin
François Married Marie Hayet
Nicholas 1681-1691
Marie-Anne 1683-1690
Catherine Married Michel LeGardeur
Pierre Married Suzanne Gareau

Children of Renée and Jean Letellier :

Marie-Thérèse Married Lucas Latouche
Jean-Baptiste 1696-1724
Marie Married François Belec
Joseph Married Marie-Madeleine Loiseau

Children of Marie and d'Etienne Lert :

Nicholas to set out the west
Michel to set out the west
Pierre Isaac
Marie-Anne Married Jacques Périnault
Catherine Married Jean Ferré
Jeanne 1675-1678
Marguerite Married Jacques Levesque
Barbe 1682-1706
Claude 1686-1686

Children of Catherine and Pierre Desautels :

Pierre Married Angélique Thuillier
Gilbert Married Charlotte Etienne

Children of Jean Lorion and Marie-Anne Letellier :

Marie-Françoise Married Laurent Archambault
Marie-Anne Married Toussaint Beaudry
Joseph to set out the west
Pierre Married Madeleine Blay

I don't have information about the other children of Jean and Marie-Anne. They were born between 1702 and 1719 and their marriages are not registered in dictionaries because they exceed 1720.

There was Jean-Baptiste, André, Thérèse, Jacques Antoine, Marie-Catherine, Pierre, Angélique, Louis, Hélène Véronique, this last one died the same year of her birth.

To set out the west mean that these descendants emigrated in United States of America.

Some notarial reference

Transport and transfer of successive rights by Jeanne and Catherine Delpech, Thérèse Thellier and Pierre Parizeau, heir of Marie-Renée Lorion their mother, wife in third marital union with Jean Tiffroy of the Ile Ste Thérèse parish of Varennes, to Marie Tellier and Joseph Tellier her brother (in November 17, 1739)

Donation by Jean Tiffroy of the Ile Ste Thérèse to François Belec and Marie Tellier his wife and to Joseph Tellier, each by half of the household effects which they can have and aspire in the community which is among him and his wife Marie-Renée Lorion (in November 17, 1739)

Sale on one hand and portion of concession in the Ile Ste Thérèse by Renée Lorion widower of Jean Delpé in first marital unions and in second marital unions of the deceased Jean LeTellier dit Lafortune and now wife of Jean Tiffroy dit Desmarest, to Charles Gaspard Piot de Langloiserie Lord of the Iles Ste Thérèse (in April 27, 1714)


Jean Lorion and his wife Marie-Anne Letellier

Parents of Marie-Anne Letellier
Jean Letellier dit Lafortune married à Marie Gratiot à Boucherville 28.4.1677

Relatives family to Jean and Marie-Anne Letellier
Letellier, Gratiot, Michelande, Delespine and their descend and ancestry

The father of Marie-Anne Letellier is the direct ancestor of Sir Amable Louis Jetté

Pierre Lorion and his wife Madeleine Blay

Marriage to Comaret in April 24.1740
Second marriage with Thérèse Charron to St-Paul in July 4.1795

Father: Charles Charron Mother: Madeleine Gourd

Relatives family to Pierre and Madeleine Blay

Blay, Royer, Bau, Guertin and their descend and ancestry

Antoine Lorion and his wife Marie-Claire Rolland

Relatives family to Antoine and Marie-Claire Rolland
Rolland, Davelier, Payet, Tessier, Ménard, Thouin, Cadieu and their descend and ancestry
In the family Ménard, we find ancestrors of Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Narcisse Laurion and his wife Adèle Roy

Second marriage with Marie Desrosiers in Lanoraie in September 22.1829

Father: Alexis Desrosiers Mother: Catherine Bonin

Relatives family to Narcisse and Adéle Roy

Roy, Beaudry, Barbier, Baulac dit Desmarais, Maillet, Vinet, Etienne, Langlois dit Lachapelle, Lamoureux, Payet, Tessier, Lescarbot, Bousquet, Baudoin, Ferret, Tetro, Perthuis, Abel, Vien, Janot, Ménard, Archambault, Chauvin, Lert and their descend and ancestry.

In the family Roy, we find ancestors of Hyppolite Lafontaine.

The family Desmarais is a direct ancestor of Sir Wilfrid Laurier

In the family Tétro, we find ancestors of Cardinal Léger

 Olivier and his wife Caroline Gourd

Olivier's first marriage with Sophie Beaudry in Joliette in August 8.1871

Father: François Beaudry Mother: Aurélie Beaudoin

Relatives family to Olivier and Caroline Gourd
Gourd, Richaume, Laporte, Champoux, Vaillant, Rivest, Majot, Gratiot, Cusson, Gautier, Philippeau, Foucault, Gautier, Gélineau, Picher, Beignet, Baudry, Barbier, Provost, St-Père, Guillet, Gélineau, Brault, LeSiège, Charon, Payet, Archambault, Bonhomme, Ménard, Marchand, Lepire, Perron, Touchet, Tessier and their descend and ancestry

Pierre Champoux renounced Protestantism in August 16.1672 in Trois Rivières

Daniel Perron renounces Calvinism in February 6.1663 in Quebec

Their son Noé with his second wife Aline Lachapelle

Noé and his wife Marie Lachapelle dit Langlois.

Noé and his wife Marie Lachapelle dit Langlois

2 girls stemming from this marriage:
Annette died towards the age of 15 years
Aline married to Seraphin Norbert

To the left-hand of the bride: Noé Laurion and his wife Aline Lachapelle

4th. the right-hand side in the last row: Roger Laurion

first row to the left-hand: Odilon Goyette and his wife Ernestine Lachapelle

Betwixt and between: Sir Abbot Félicien Lasalle

Top far right: Alphonse Lachapelle

Aline dies at the birth of her first child: Alain Norbert

Three sons stemming from this marriage:
Fernand died at the 23 years old

History of Rose

Rose's history it is not the history of the soup of buttons. It is a true story which happened in 1938.

I remember myself, it was a winter day and we waited for the visit of uncle Jos, brother of grandpa Raoul, my dad. Jos had a big news to be learnt us.

He entered so blast, removed his overcoat and as usual, took dad by shoulders and squeezed him very hardly by saying to him:

" Raoul, I am going to tell you something. It is not necessary to make you worries, it is not very heavy. There was for a long time that I doubted but now I have the certainty that it's true. You and Cécile, you are married among relatives"

Dad goes pale, mom denied, quite offended. And I hardly eight years, I did not understand anything.

Jos it is a bad narrator said mom. Because then, there was always somebody of the family who told the history of the family because nobody knew how to read. But I in my small head, I believed uncle Jos. I so loved him especially when he declaimed us "La vierge aux souliers d'or" of Jean Narrache. He was very intellectual but liked also taking a small drink. When, as him, I shall have a small drink in the body, I shall tell you this history of la vierge aux souliers d'or. Ha Ha

You see, I am also a Lalonde. By wanting to tell you Rose's history, I got lost me went here is, well far from my subject.

You see Marilou, that took me fifty years to discover the "secret".

Raoul Lalonde and Cécile Marleau were really married among relatives. These family relationships were remote but real. I tell you:

Baptiste Lalonde had had several children of whom Rose and Guillaume. This last one engendered his lineage which is that of all Lalonde until Yolande, by way of Raoul. Rose was so Guillaume's sister, she married Joseph Gauthier, gave birth to the family Gauthier, that is my maternal great-grandmother, the grandmother of Cécile Marleau, the mother of Marie-Louise Piché.

It is very difficult to explain. You will understand better on the sketch than I made you.

If it was a surprise for Raoul and Cécile to learn that they were relatives, it was one for me also to learn that I had only a single grandfather.

These things will just be for me! And it is fault to Rose!!!

In right-hand side to Roger Laurion: Noé Laurion and Aline Lachapelle

Extremely to the left-hand: Léo Laurion

In left-hand of bride: Raoul Lalonde and Cécile Marleau

Extremely to the right-hand: Hervé Lalonde

This union gave birth to 2 girls: Francine and Louise.

Louise Laurion

Second marriage with Lise Beaulieu, died December 21, 2000

Roger Laurion and Lise Beaulieu

Louise married Michel Gougeon

Roger Laurion - his daughter Louise - Yolande Lalonde - Francine sister of Louise

1 girl stemming from this marriage: You
Second marriage with Robert Beauséjour

Description of the reunification of our ancestral lineage of the side Lalonde
Marilou Gougeon


Louise Laurion

Yolande Lalonde

Cécile Marleau 1926

Raoul Lalonde 1926

Marie-Louise Piché 1895 

Jean-Baptiste Lalonde 1878

Emma Gauthier 1874

  Joseph Lalonde 1834

Jean-Baptiste Gauthier 1832

Joseph Lalonde 1802

Louis Gauthier 1794 

Guillaume Lalonde 1761

Jean-Baptiste Gauthier 1759

Joseph Gauthier 1728 

Guillaume Lalonde 1730

Marié à Rose Lalonde

frère de Rose

Jean-Baptiste Lalonde
Jean de Lalonde

Description of the reunification of our lineage of the side Laurion

Catherine Lorion married Pierre Desautels 

married Jean Simon

Catherine Lorion

(common ancestor)

Catherine Lorion

Basile Desautels, her son 

 Anne Simon, sa fille

 Amable Poudrette

Michel Lapointe-Desautels

Rosalie Leblanc

Joseph Lapointe

Joséphine Larocque

Joseph Lapointe

Emma Gauthier

Emma Lapointe

Marie-Louise Piché

Aline Lachapelle

Cécile Marleau

Roger Laurion

Yolande Lalonde

Louise Laurion

Louise Laurion

Marilou Gougeon

Marilou Gougeon

There it is I who am relatives with your grandfather Roger!!

And I believe that it is so for the most part of the French-Canadian

We are every relatives due to our ancestors come from France.

It is not wonderful? What there is still of grander, it is that you carry in you one gene of each grandfathers. It is for that that you are you, that you don't look like anybody, either physically, or morally.

On the other hand, there is a family tie among all the Quebecois. Some can have one or several same ancestors. When you read Lalonde dit l'Esperance or Desmarais dit Beaulac, you were able to understand that the families were subdivided. A group kept the name Lalonde and the other l'Esperance. These last ones go down also the same ancestors.

That makes really many relatives and is so forms a nation. Be proud of your genealogy! She is beautiful. Be proud also to be a French-Canadian! Your nation is physically beautiful, socially rich and morally brave.

Remember you, it is at the most 400 years of history, a simple history ensuing from the laborious exile of a handle of Frenchman. There is well some Italians, German, Irish or Indian, but you can consider Quebecois pure laine. You are a part so of this history. Your name is registered for ever in the Quebecois registers.

In spite of your young age, you travelled a lot in Quebec and the miracles of the nature dazzled you. Your ancestors bequeathed you the taste of the big spaces and the adventure. Goes it is in your turn to live and to engender life.

Take care of your environment. Stimulate beings and things which surround you with your kindnesses and your smiles. The happiness which you wish will spring.

Marilou Gougeon - Roger Laurion - Aline Lachapelle - Louise Laurion

Yolande Lalonde left us on Thursday , October 23, 1997 at the age of 67 years
Thank you for this beautiful inheritance.

St-Paul de Joliette in March 3.2002

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